Make a Difference, Make a Donation

Qualify for assistance

Needy Family funds are disbursed to those in need for basic necessities such as food, shelter, utilities and other emergency needs. Some restrictions and limitations apply. To determine if you are eligible, please the call the following numbers:


Division of State Service Centers


If you are not currently receiving public assistance, please call:

The Salvation Army

Funds are NOT disbursed by The News Journal directly.



“Thanks to The Needy Family Fund, when I had to go
the hospital and move because of my health, I knew the
electrical bill would be paid. Without their help I wouldn’t
have had the money I needed to get into the home I have
now. It was sucha relief to me to be able to move into a
new home with my family. It’s wonderful program for
those in need.”


E.D. Wilmington